Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Am I losing it?

Oh my goodness, sometimes I really question to what point my sanity can stretch! I have 2 babies under 2 and a husband who can be just a BIG KID himself sometimes, You might as well say that I am a mom of 3.. Because I have to take care of them all. Even poor little helpless husband gets fed, and tended to just like the babies.. When I made my vows I really don't remember saying " I do promise to do everything your mom did, and cook just like her"... Maybe I was out of my mind then? or drunk? Heck IDK.. But I do KNOW that I did not ask for it.

I am off Monday-Wednesday, and I work Thurs-Sun. On my days off I get up with the kids and I have them all day, Keep in mind my little lovebird sleeps til about an hour before he has to go to work.. and then on the days I work.. I do the same thing.. I mean c'mon... Id like to get the bare minimum hours of sleep required to function every once in awhile!

Well today it really hit me girls & boys. He asks would I just clean up today while he was at work and do something.. so I proceed to ask him "What the heck do you think I do all day? Watch cartoons with the kids?".. and he said IDK maaaybe you do. Spare me the sarcasm and humor, I WISH I could watch some looney tunes... Hell I feel Looney half the time.

So After cleaning.. Like I was told.. which by the way he does not tell me what to do.. I clean because if I didn't he would let this house become a pigsty and not even give a rat's ass. I start to thinking.. This man drives me crazy.. I mean to the brink of insanity.. Yet I love him.. and I cannot keep thinking to myself how BORING my life would be without him. Am I Losing It???

I've just come to the point that men drive us incredibly insane sometimes, we find ourselves wanting to scream "GROW UP!", "GO AWAY!", or the infamous "GOD I HATE YOU".. but when it really comes down to it.. we realize that without them in our lives.. it would be sorta dull.. atleast for me that is.

Before going to bed tonite I think I'm going to pray the same prayer I think every woman should..

"Dear god, please grant me the patience to not kill the man I love...AMEN"

-& on that note.. I feel alot better.

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